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I'm the host of the Drifty Jam and I didn't remove this game. It must have been itch or something? I wondered where it went to be honest.
Can't seem to re qualify it either. Weird stuff.

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Wait really? Then I have no idea about it. I was also wondering how my submission got taken down without any explanation for both game jams I participated in. ty for helping me to resubmit though.

Yeah, I don't know what happened. Maybe contact itch?

dude, that's crazy that your game got removed from the jam! sorry about that, I thought it might win. really good feel to the game, and good juiciness. The only thing that could be improved would be adding an indicator of when the humans spawn so that when I run up against the wall they do not spawn on top of me and kill me, which was super frustrating. Good job!


Very fun! I love the atmosphere and the music